A Company Voluntary Arrangement is a way in which a company, supervised by an Insolvency Practitioner can restructure its debts and continue to trade.
CVAs are applicable for Companies who have a underlining profitable business but are too heavily geared for the prevailing economic conditions or have a number of creditors which they are unable to pay.
A CVA is a legally binding arrangement between the company and its creditors, which will propose for an amount to be repaid to creditors over the duration of the arrangement. During the arrangement the business will continue to trade and be managed by its current directors.
Key Benefits
- Eases immediate cash flow problems
- The directors of a company will maintain control of the business and operations.
- Creditor prior to an arrangement being approved are bound by the arrangement and will not be able to commence enforcement procedures against the company.
- The arrangement is uniquely tailored based on your company’s circumstances in terms of contributions, duration and requirements.

Experiencing Cash Flow Difficulties?

Receiving Threats from HMRC?

Creditor Pressure?

Unable to pay your invoices when due?

Save your company and retain full control of your Business?
0203 475 3900